There are many different types of therapy. The therapeutic approach guides the lens through which a practitioner will conceptualize, plan, and execute treatment. You may have heard of some of the popular types of therapy: Person-Centered, Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Eye-MovementDesensitization Therapy (EMDR). Dr. Reed draws primarily from an attachment-based, trauma-informed approach. She talks with her clients about which approaches might be a good fit in light of their concerns and together they decide which suits them best.
Dr. Reed is certified in EFT. Rather than talk about how you should communicate, which tends not to translate into actual moments of distress, EFT therapists are process consultants. We explore what actually happens between couples in those fast moments where disconnection takes over. When couples gain clarity about what is REALLY happening for themself and their partner in these moments, the intensity de-escalates. Ultimately, creating a new pattern is the goal. Dr. Reed has worked with many couples who want help with communication, repair after infidelity, or generally feeling stuck and disconnected.
Dr. Reed has level-2 training in EFIT (Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy). People develop patterns in what they do/feel/think when faced with sadness, anger, hurt, pain. Our lives shape the way in which we respond to distress: solve it now! bury it! pretend everything is okay! stay very still. EFIT helps clients to first trace their own pattern and potentially explore its roots. Ultimately, we work to forge new patterns in which clients can connect with their true feelings and needs.
Dr. Reed has training in EMDR, a treatment initially used primarily for trauma. She appreciates how EMDR honors each clients primary way of processing their experiences; some people are more visual, others more aware of body sensations or emotions, and others most aware of their thoughts.
Cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) have an extensive research base that supports its efficacy. Dr. Reed draws from CBT principles in particular when treating people with panic disorder or phobias.
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